Author Archives: admin

This webinar will focus on what makes business process modelling a key element to an organisation’s success and ways in which we can accelerate and broaden the benefits of business process modelling initiatives. Source: How to optimise enterprise performance with business process modelling

What are the limitations of AI when it comes to complex business processes? Our webinar explores how far the technology can be pushed – and what the new opportunities are. Source: Leveraging AI to Automate Complex Business Processes

We keep hearing about the disengaged workforce and the struggle to retain talent. Add to that millennials’ growing numbers in the workplace — by 2025 they will represent 75 percent of the global workforce Source: If Managers Don’t Become Coaches, Careers Will Suffer

Being a geek comes with certain obligations. You don’t need to read every new sci-fi novel or buy every WoW expansion, but you do need to make regular use Source: Geeks Beware: Interweb Gatekeepers Want To Restrict Your Access To Technology | ForeverGeek

The digital future might be defined by the fastest VPN providers   In the last decade, digital media has gone through some crucial changes. Streaming Source: How Will the Digital Future of Movies and TV Series Look Like? | ForeverGeek

Master process automation by choosing the right tools Source: BPM and RPA: The Perfect Match

Automation and Innovation Source: Processes, Innovation, Automation, Transformation

Patricia Ames visited Nintex Xchange 2018, the company’s third annual customer and partner conference. Source: Nintex Xchange 2018

Source: How to Maximize Workforce Performance: Creating a Culture of Growth?

The concept of a funnel is not foreign to seasoned marketers. For years, companies have touted different shapes of funnels, upside down funnels and ev… Source: Why A Double Funnel Strategy Is A Game-Changer For B2B Marketers
