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Discover 10 breathtaking destinations that will leave you in awe. Explore our list of stunning places to visit before you embark on your final journey. From mesmerizing landscapes to cultural wonders, these destinations are a must-see for any avid traveler. Start checking off your travel bucket list today and create unforgettable memories in these extraordinary locations. Source: 10 Stunning Places to Visit Before You Die

It is time to ‘turn down the temperature of the debate’ on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), a new report has stated, because SME bosses are put off from adopting new working practices for fear of doing or saying the wrong thing. Source: HR Magazine – Employers urged to ‘turn down temperature’ of DEI debate

What causes sleep problems? Spread the love Sleep is an essential aspect of our lives that allows our bodies and minds to rest and rejuvenate. However, getting a decent night’s sleep can be difficult for many people. Sleep problems can arise due to various reasons, ranging from lifestyle factors to underlying medical conditions. In this article, we will explore ten common causes of sleep problems and provide insights on how to address them effectively. Source: What causes sleep problems?

Spread the love When you’re young, you don’t spend much time visualizing yourself as elderly. But, as time passes and your youth fades more into the past, you may yearn to return to those days. You really wish you could reclaim your young appearance, or you fondly recall a time when you didn’t have the same responsibilities as you do today. Rather than being afraid of aging, you should embrace it. There are numerous reasons why your finest days are ahead of you, and one of them is a life experience. Here are eight wonderful things you will learn as you become older. Source: 8 REASONS TO APPRECIATE AGING

When you are planning for change, how will you know you’ve succeeded? By knowing where you start and finish. There’s an old joke that goes something like this: a lost tourist stops a local and asks for directions to a particular place. The local thinks for a while and then says: “I know the place, but I wouldn’t start from here.” For anyone involved in change this raises an interesting conundrum: that it’s not only good to know where you are starting from but it’s essential to know just where you are going to finish – and what that place will look like when you finally arrive. Change has to be capable of being measured, but just how far do you need to move the needle to know that you have arrived and that the change has been successful? Source: HR Magazine – Why the success or failure of change…

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While most organizations are still tracking along on their journey to digital transformation, early adopters may feel like they’ve already crossed the finish line. But those sitting comfortably on their digitalization accomplishments may want to ask themselves whether those then-cutting-edge tools have since become outdated or even obsolete, and whether laying new tools on top of them is the most strategic approach — or does it risk creating a Frankenstack? Source: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Early Tech Adoption

Digital tools are helping employees perform their tasks and achieve goals more efficiently. Advancements in technology have catapulted businesses forward at an unprecedented rate. Yet some organizations remain where management has been reluctant to change traditional processes that have proven to be successful in the past to take the leap into new ways of working. Source: Sometimes You Have to Push the Digital Transformation Conversation

Companies are at a crossroads. With costly office space, uncertain macroeconomic conditions, and challenges to attract and retain talent, they can no longer wait to make decisions around workplace policies. Hybrid models are now the predominant approach, requiring onsite presence some of the time. A recent survey by BCG, for instance, found that 85% of companies have some type of hybrid configuration. Source: Design Better Hybrid Workplace Experiences With Empathy

At some point in our careers, most of us will encounter a brilliant jerk. Think of that rainmaker salesperson who blows every quota out of the water but belittles the receivables team. Or the superstar engineer who writes more sophisticated code than her peers but only works on projects she enjoys and leaves the dirty work to others. Or the executive who meets financial objectives but drives significant employee turnover. Brilliant jerks deliver impressive results but leave a trail of demotivated and disheartened co-workers in their wake. Source: Brilliant Jerks Are Costing Your Bottom Line

Within organizations, taxonomies get complex very quickly — especially as we develop different functional viewpoints, adding industry terminology, process and technology terms, and even the words our customers use. I recently completed a taxonomy rationalization project where I uncovered over 2,700 words employees used to describe or label various products and activities. Only 3% were commonly used by more than one functional group. Source: Why You Shouldn’t Treat Your Taxonomy as an Afterthought
